


1403-07-21|سجاد ملکشاهی

سر بریده‌اش را روی تیزی‌های نصب‌شده روی دیوار گذاشته‌م. یک‌سر شبیه سری از میان همین دوره. بیشترین قسمت مصرف‌کننده اما دهان بود. وضعیتی آشفته، تکه‌تکه و پرت‌شده به لحظه از پس انباشت. البته ترجیح می‌دهم این گوشت و استخوان را در یک دره بغلتانم، در خطوطی اریب با شیب‌های وحشی. وقتی کسی خود را تبدیل به وسیله می‌کند، آنچه از بدن باقی می‌ماند چیست؟ استفاده‌ی مازاد از اندام‌های جنسی، او را به لوگوسی اخته‌شده بدل کرده بود، با تمایل به ارگاسم صوتیِ زنِ پنهان در کلماتِ منقطع. فردا صراحت روز است و هرچه دیگر شفاف نیست، لازم است در شدت‌ها اعماق خود را آشکار کند چرا که آنچه رو به مرگ است را باید بیشتر در نیستی تکاند، بیشتر در گرانشِ گوشتِ نهایتا محوشده از بدنی که سال‌ها لایه لایه می‌شود تا زاویه‌های دیگری بسازد... ویران شود و کُره‌ای بخارشده، سرهای مجتمعی باشد که روزی از میان کلمات می‌گذشتند، بی‌آنکه بدانند، زبان، می‌تواند دیدن نادیدنی از میان تنها یک کلمه باشد...

1403-07-23|سجاد ملکشاهی

در تای او ریخته می‌شود

در تای تن که گوشت تحریک‌پذیر است

شق می‌شود و آبستن حوا-دث

رانه‌ای که حوا را حشری می‌کند

مانند زن‌اش با پستان‌های چسبیده به پوست و موهای بُریده

چرا که ستاندن گذشته‌ی عبوری بر تنش ثقیل خواهد بود و زیر آن چیزهایی از قبیل انگشت‌های چرخ‌خورده دور قبیله‌های قضیب او را به لحظه‌های ارگاسم نزدیک می‌کند مثل وقتی که کلمه روی صفحه می‌نشیند و چشم‌هایش از حدقه خارج می‌شود خارجِ داخلِ چیزی که مدام می‌خواهد بیشتر شود_ ویروسی از سگِ تکه‌پاره‌کردن اشیاء برای ارگاسم ملی‌ش مایل است کلمه‌های مختلفی را امتحان کند با سایزهای متمایز: بیشتر دسته‌های ضخیم تمثال‌های موهوم برای غرق شدن در شبکه‌های متراکم دهان‌های نهایتا تک‌زبانه- بر او ریخته و حس، ابتذال بورژوا در ساعت قُدسی‌ست- ساعتی که پستان‌ها میان دستانش شکل می‌گیرد و حرارت نواحی گوناگون آهی‌ست که از میان تا می‌گذرد تا چیزی بیشتر داخل شود، داخلِ خارجِ وضعیتش که سکوت باقی می‌ماند به دلایل احتمالا سیاسی و اقتصادی چرا که زنجیره‌های مشتق‌شده از تمایلات حفرات پدیدارشناختی، امری متمرکز بر حیوانیت است، یعنی کلمات، شکل حقیقی حیوان را آشکار می‌کند، حیوان مثله و بی‌سرشده با تایی که از او کاسته خواهد شد... 

To The Reader|Charles Baudelaire

Folly, depravity, greed, mortal sin
Invade our souls and rack our flesh; we feed
Our gentle guilt, gracious regrets, that breed
Like vermin glutting on foul beggars' skin

Our sins are stubborn; our repentance, faint
We take a handsome price for our confession
Happy once more to wallow in transgression
Thinking vile tears will cleanse us of all taint

On evil's cushion poised, His Majesty
Satan Thrice-Great, lulls our charmed soul, until
He turns to vapor what was once our will
Rich ore, transmuted by his alchemy

He holds the strings that move us, limb by limb
We yield, enthralled, to things repugnant, base
Each day, towards Hell, with slow, unhurried pace
We sink, uncowed, through shadows, stinking, grim

Like some lewd rake with his old worn-out whore
Nibbling her suffering teats, we seize our sly
delight, that, like an orange—withered, dry—
We squeeze and press for juice that is no more

Our brains teem with a race of Fiends, who frolic
thick as a million gut-worms; with each breath
Our lungs drink deep, suck down a stream of Death—
Dim-lit—to low-moaned whimpers melancholic

If poison, fire, blade, rape do not succeed
In sewing on that dull embroidery
Of our pathetic lives their artistry
It's that our soul, alas, shrinks from the deed

And yet, among the beasts and creatures all—
Panther, snake, scorpion, jackal, ape, hound, hawk—
Monsters that crawl, and shriek, and grunt, and squawk
In our vice-filled menagerie's caterwaul

One worse is there, fit to heap scorn upon—
More ugly, rank! Though noiseless, calm and still
yet would he turn the earth to scraps and swill
swallow it whole in one great, gaping yawn

Ennui! That monster frail!—With eye wherein
A chance tear gleams, he dreams of gibbets, while
Smoking his hookah, with a dainty smile. . .
—You know him, reader,—hypocrite,—my twin

Travelling Bohemians|Charles Baudelaire

The prophetic tribe of the ardent eyes
Yesterday they took the road, holding their babies
On their backs, delivering to fierce appetites
The always ready treasure of pendulous breasts

The men stick their feet out, waving their guns
Alongside the caravan where they tremble together
Scanning the sky their eyes are weighted down
In mourning for absent chimeras

At the bottom of his sandy retreat, a cricket
Watched passing, redoubles his song
Cybele, who loves, adds more flower

Makes fountains out of rock and blossoms from desert
Opening up before these travelers in a yawn—
A familiar empire, the inscrutable future

The Carcass|Charles Baudelaire

Remember that object we saw, dear soul
In the sweetness of a summer morn
At a bend of the path a loathsome carrion
On a bed with pebbles strewn

With legs raised like a lustful woman
Burning and sweating poisons
It spread open, nonchalant and scornful
Its belly, ripe with exhalations

The sun shone onto the rotting heap
As if to bring it to the boil
And tender a hundredfold to vast Nature
All that together she had joined

And the sky watched that superb carcass
Like a flower blossom out
The stench was so strong that on the grass
You thought you would pass out

Flies hummed upon the putrid belly
Whence larvae in black battalions spread
And like a heavy liquid flowed
Along the tatters deliquescing

All together it unfurled, and rose like a wave
And bubbling it sprang forth
One might have believed that, with a faint breath filled
The body, multiplying, lived

And this world gave out a strange music
Like of running water and of wind
Or of grain in a winnow
Rhythmically shaken and tossed

Form was erased and all but a vision
A sketch slow to take shape
On a forgotten canvas, which the artist finishes
From memory alone

Behind the rocks a fretting bitch
Looked at us with fierce mien
Anxious to retrieve from the corpse
A morsel that she had dropped

Yet to this rot you shall be like
To this horrid corruption
Star of my eyes, sun of desire
You, my angel and my passion

Yes, such you shall be, you, queen of all graces
After the last sacraments
When you go beneath the grass and waxy flowers
To mold among the skeletons

Then, oh my beauty! You must tell the vermin
As it eats you up with kisses
That I have preserved the form and essence divine
Of my decayed loves

The Albatross|Charles Baudelaire

Often to pass the time on board, the crew
will catch an albatross, one of those big birds
which nonchalantly chaperon a ship
across the bitter fathoms of the sea

Tied to the deck, this sovereign of space
as if embarrassed by its clumsiness
pitiably lets its great white wings
drag at its sides like a pair of unshipped oars

How weak and awkward, even comical
this traveller but lately so adoit -
one deckhand sticks a pipestem in its beak
another mocks the cripple that once flew

The Poet is like this monarch of the clouds
riding the storm above the marksman's range
exiled on the ground, hooted and jeered
he cannot walk because of his great wings

The Enemy|Charles Baudelaire

My youth was nothing but a black storm

Crossed now and then by brilliant suns

The thunder and the rain so ravage the shores

Nothing's left of the fruit my garden held once


I should employ the rake and the plow

Having reached the autumn of ideas

To restore this inundated ground

Where the deep grooves of water form tombs in the lees


And who knows if the new flowers you dreamed

Will find in a soil stripped and cleaned

The mystic nourishment that fortifies


—O Sorrow—O Sorrow—Time consumes Life

And the obscure enemy that gnaws at my heart

Uses the blood that I lose to play my part

a three hundred and forty dollar horse and a hundred dollar whore|Charles Bukowski

don’t ever get the idea I am a poet; you can see me
at the racetrack any day half drunk
betting quarters, sidewheelers and straight thoroughs
but let me tell you, there are some women there
who go where the money goes, and sometimes when you
look at these whores these onehundreddollar whores
you wonder sometimes if nature isn’t playing a joke
dealing out so much breast and ass and the way
it’s all hung together, you look and you look and
you look and you can’t believe it; there are ordinary women
and then there is something else that wants to make you
tear up paintings and break albums of Beethoven
across the back of the john; anyhow, the season
was dragging and the big boys were getting busted
all the non-pros, the producers, the cameraman
the pushers of Mary, the fur salesman, the owners
themselves, and Saint Louie was running this day
a sidewheeler that broke when he got in close
he ran with his head down and was mean and ugly
and thirty-five to one, and I put a ten down on him
the driver broke him wide
took him out by the fence where he’d be alone
even if he had to travel four times as far
and that’s the way he went it
all the way by the outer fence
traveling two miles in one
and he won like he was mad as hell
and he wasn’t even tired
and the biggest blonde of all
all ass and breast, hardly anything else
went to the payoff window with me

that night I couldn’t destroy her
although the springs shot sparks
and they pounded on the walls
later she sat there in her slip
drinking Old Grandad
and she said
what’s a guy like you doing
living in a dump like this
and I said
I’m a poet

and she threw back her beautiful head and laughed
you? you . . . a poet

I guess you’re right, I said, I guess you’re right

but still she looked good to me, she still looked good
and all thanks to an ugly horse
who wrote this poem

Lady Lazarus|Sylvia Plath

I have done it again

One year in every ten

I manage it——

A sort of walking miracle, my skin

Bright as a Nazi lampshade

My right foot

A paperweight

My face a featureless, fine

Jew linen

Peel off the napkin

O my enemy

Do I terrify——

The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth

The sour breath

Will vanish in a day

Soon, soon the flesh

The grave cave ate will be

At home on me

And I a smiling woman

I am only thirty

And like the cat I have nine times to die

This is Number Three

What a trash

To annihilate each decade

What a million filaments

The peanut-crunching crowd

Shoves in to see

Them unwrap me hand and foot——

The big strip tease

Gentlemen, ladies

These are my hands

My knees

I may be skin and bone

Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman

The first time it happened I was ten

It was an accident

The second time I meant

To last it out and not come back at all

I rocked shut

As a seashell

They had to call and call

And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls


Is an art, like everything else

I do it exceptionally well

I do it so it feels like hell

I do it so it feels real

I guess you could say I’ve a call

It’s easy enough to do it in a cell

It’s easy enough to do it and stay put

It’s the theatrical

Comeback in broad day

To the same place, the same face, the same brute

Amused shout

‘A miracle

That knocks me out

There is a charge

For the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge

For the hearing of my heart——

It really goes

And there is a charge, a very large charge

For a word or a touch

Or a bit of blood

Or a piece of my hair or my clothes

So, so, Herr Doktor

So, Herr Enemy

I am your opus

I am your valuable

The pure gold baby

That melts to a shriek

I turn and burn

Do not think I underestimate your great concern

Ash, ash—

You poke and stir

Flesh, bone, there is nothing there——

A cake of soap

A wedding ring

A gold filling

Herr God, Herr Lucifer



Out of the ash

I rise with my red hair

And I eat men like air